The LAC line was developed for use in the early stages of the animal's life cycle where it is most susceptible to the environmental challenges of the crop.


The line is composed of a mix between essential oils and lactic acid that can optimize, in a relevant way, the action against pathogenic microorganisms and, in particular, Gram negative bacteria.



Boosting your production!

Essential Oils + Lactic Acid


know the benefits of your production

Improves the digestibility of farmed animals.

Optimizes the antibacterial and antifungal effect in the feed used within the production cycles

Increases body weight, improves feed conversion and reduces pathogens in the digestive tract of farmed animals.

Inhibits Gram negative microflora in the digestive tract of farmed animals

Our Products


What is it?

It is a growth and antimicrobial promoter composed of a mix of essential oils and lactic acid


What is it for?

Inhibit and eliminate the proliferation of undesirable microorganisms to the culture, as well as present actions of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and immunostimulant potential. The product has strong action against Gram negative bacteria.


What is the form of the product?

Powdered product.


Which stage of cultivation is it used for?

Early stages of cultivation and fattening.




What is it?

It is another antimicrobial promoter composed of a mix of essential oils and lactic acid.


What is it for?

It is an optimizing agent of natural antibiotic power making it extremely effective in eliminating microbes and bacteria that cause diseases of a nutritional nature. The product has strong action against Gram negative bacteria


What is the form of the product?

Liquid product.


Which stage of cultivation is it used for?

Early stages, fattening, breeding and adult in moments of handling and stress.




The use of lactic acid in diets inhibits the colonization and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. It has the function of altering the physiology of bacteria, causing metabolic disorders that prevent its propagation and cause death.


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Keltenweg 15

85748 Garching




(+ 55 85) 99680.5639



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